Lately I’ve been spending my time drawing, painting, illustrating D O G S. That’s awesome right? 😀 It began as a custom illustration idea for Christmas gifts and now it’s my favourite thing to do and I will continue doing it for as long as…Forever I think. Well I’m a dog person obviously, and I always remember myself having a dog as well, so how could I not LOVE my job so very much right now?! Thank you lovely people for your trust, it means the world to me. I can’t get enough of these cute creatures. I want to draw all the dogs that exist. 😉 Please bring me more!!! xx antigone
Happy Thursday. Today is printmaking day, woohoo! I joined a printmaking club a month ago, with the awesome Simone Philippou, which is happening at her studio – in toto. It’s the first time I’m trying something like this and I’m enjoying it every time; it’s a real pleasure to be among other illustrators and creatives really. So, I chose this dog illustration for my first attempt and the results of my first ever relief prints are pretty good I think. 😀 Below are some pictures of them and the process. The first photo is the printmaking club’s poster – What a Relief, by Simone and the last is Le Skouf’s(my…
Hello I’m Antigone, an Illustrator with a colorful mind …and outfit. Welcome, I’m so glad you are here <3. This is my first post on this blog, and I can’t wait to share with you news of my illustration, work in progress and all the little in-betweens(is that even a word?) along the way. Sit tight and enjoy the ride with me, celebrating life’s little pleasures, adventures and messiness. 🙂 Meanwhile you can start by reading my little story here. xx antigone